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Induction Course for South Africa's Scientific Authority
1. Introduction to CITES
1.1 Overview of the course
1.2 Overview of CITES
1.3 History and purpose of CITES
1.4 The structure of CITES
1.5 Reflective learning questions
2. How CITES works
2.1 Listing endangered wild species
2.2 Trade measures for listed species
2.3 Export and import permits
2.4 Resolutions and decisions
2.5 Reflective learning questions
3. Management and Scientific Authorities
3.1 Responsibilities of the Management Authority
3.2 Responsibilities of the Scientific Authority
3.3 National authorities in the CITES Structure
3.4 Establishment of South Africa's Scientific Authority
3.5 The functions of South Africa's Scientific Authority
3.6 Reflective learning questions
4. NDFs
4.1 NDFs in CITES
4.2 NDF guidance
4.3 NDFs, certification, and imports
4.4 NDFs in South Africa
4.5 Information sources for species and NDFs
4.6 Information sources in South Africa
4.7 Reflective learning questions
5. CITES-related policies (optional)
5.1 International conservation and trade policies
5.2 Regional conservation and trade policies
5.3 South African conservation and trade policies
5.4 Reflective learning questions
1.1 Overview of the course
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